Five Thoughts + Advice | #1

I am really excited to share this post with all of you. I wanted to create a series of a few posts where I can just sit down and write out ideas, thoughts, advice, new things I’m trying, etc… It can be anything. Simply put, I want to share five thoughts and advice with all of you. Related to all things lifestyle, whether that be discussing morning routines, healthy habits, career advice, and more. I would love for you guys to comment with your thoughts and advice. Let me know if you agree on these topics or if you have differing opinions. I’d love to chat! This is definitely something new for Gigi Trends but I hope you all love it! Let me know your thoughts in the comments and let’s get into it…


#1: Creating a better morning routine is crucial

Mornings are a special time. It’s the time right before you start your day and it can either make it or break it. One thing I’ve been successful at doing this past week is not looking at social media first thing in the morning. Yes, I will grab my phone to check the time and see if there’s any missed calls or texts. However, scrolling through IG the second you wake up is definitely not healthy, and I realized that this month. The first thing I do is drink lots of water, make a coffee, walk the dog, and then start figuring out my day. Even if you don’t have a lot of time in the morning, make the extra effort to get up a bit earlier and focus on yourself. This is something I’m still working on, updates to come.


#2: A new habit I’m trying is 30 minutes of reading a day

I don’t know if anyone else can relate, but I always get about 50 pages through a book and put it down, only to never pick it up again. This is something that I decided I really want to work on. There’s so many books I want to read and I feel like I often turn to social media instead of a good book. The other day, my boyfriend and I decided to go sit outside to enjoy the beautiful LA weather and I took my book with me. He suggested I set a timer on my phone for 30 minutes and just read. I did this and to my suprise, I kept reading for another 30 minutes. This may seem like nothing to most, but it’s something I’ve never taken the time to do, and it felt so good. After doing this I set for one of my new goals to be reading for at least 30 minutes everyday. Who knows, maybe I’ll have some book reccs to share with you guys!


#3: Exercise really does make such a difference

I am definitely one who goes through phases when it comes to working out. I’ll be super into it for a few weeks and then I’ll slowly fade. One thing I love about LA is that everyone is really into their health and routines. It’s definitely a motivating environment and it’s made me want to strive to be better. I’ve really been enjoying trying out lots of different workout classes to see which is the best fit for me. So far, I’ve been loving yoga and a variety of high intensity workout classes. There’s a bunch of different workout classes out there. I recommend searching for classes near you and doing trials to see which one you like.


#4: There’s a podcast for everything

I’ve been super into podcasts lately. One of my favorites is Swipe Up: A Podcast for Influencers by Katherine McDermott. She gives some super helpful advice for anyone trying to grow their social platforms or gain insider advice on the world of influencing. But really, whatever your interests are, you can find a podcast for them. I usually listen through Spotify, but there’s a ton on the iTunes app as well. I also love listening to Serial on road trips or long commutes! Leave your favorite podcasts down in the comments below 🙂


#5: Everything happens for a reason

I’ve been saying this for years. It’s not something new, but it’s something that I found myself saying a lot lately. Life is super unpredictable and when things get tough, you have to believe in yourself and the universe. Remembering that things don’t always work out the way we want, but there’s a reason for it. When you find yourself in a tough situation, just remember that everything really does happen for a reason and that the universe is on your side. 


I really hope you enjoyed this post! I want to share more of my personal life with all of you and I also love to share advice and thoughts on different topics. Hopefully you gained something from reading this. Share your thoughts with me in the comments below <3


Xo, Gigi

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  1. April 2, 2019 / 7:07 am

    I love that you’re getting into reading! I recently joined a book group with a few bloggers and I’m really excited to start! I used to read a book a week when I was younger but I feel like I have no time now. Need to take it day by day!

    xo Logan

    • Gigi Trends
      April 2, 2019 / 10:54 am

      Thank you! Ooh a book group sounds fun. Taking it day by day is definitely the way to go!

      Xo, Gigi